Friday, February 20, 2009

My experience with Titian

Once when I was in 10th grade, the class was given extra credit to see the Titian exhibit at the Smithsonian. I went the last day late after school. The place was empty except for the lone security officer way away from the exhibit. It felt like a dark room although it was lit, because there was no sunlight in the room. I never stepped foot in the exhibit. There was one painting where the eyes were scouring. I felt the look. I took a brochure and wrote some kind of report. The teacher read all the reports and said a lot of people didn't see the exhibit. All they did was use the brochure. I got a B because I wrote how the art looked so real, and how that particular painting made me feel. This is not the painting that I saw but it is representative of his style.

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