Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I take a class at a community college called Intro to Digital Design. My project was to create a presentation in InDesign about an art movement. I used Photoshop a little before this project, but I had never used InDesign. I was more than a lit terrified at first using it. It took me a while to get it, but I finally turned my work.

My subject was Impressionism. It was fascinating how their art was disrespected because it was a little different than what people had been doing for centuries. Their concept to stress light and color in the paintings, instead of the scenery or person, was not at first appreciated. It took years before their broad brush strokes and art technique was recognized by their peers.

These painters were dedicated to their art. Monet would brave all the elements in order to paint a haystack in all lights and seasons. He would also paint from sunrise to sunset on a huge canvas in his older age. He was suffering from arthritis. Degas was going blind so he could paint anymore. He turned to sculpturing. The painting here is by Renoir called "Dance at the Moulin de la Galette".

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Go see the Watchmen!

Last week, I saw the movie The Watchmen. It was based on a graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons about an alternate 1980s where The Cold War was still an issue and a Doomsday Clock was counting down the Apocalypse. We also find the costumed heroes existed. Most comic book fans and others considered the movie "unfilmable" because of the complex storyline.

Then there were the myriad of actors and directors stepping in and out of the project. It was only appropriate that Zack Snyder would take helm as director. Snyder directed the wildly successful, 300. With Watchmen, like 300, Snyder used the comic book as his storyboard. Every panel of the graphic novel was an exact match to the movie. The director is known for this fast speed then slow speed technique. The most reference scene from the Matrix when Neo is dodging the bullets falling back is called bullet time. I have no idea what Zack's technique is called. The ending of the movie is slightly different than the graphic novel. The movie was greeted with mixed reviews but I liked the cinematography, the look and feel of the movie. This website, www.majorspoilers.com/archives/4823.htm/ shows the comic book panels to the movie